Saginaw MI

Welcome to Toys for Tots Saginaw MI.

Toys for Tots Coordinator
Mr. Robin Heise

The Local Impact

Saginaw MI during 2024

Toys Distributed
Children Supported

Please read on for information on registering to receive toys from Toys for Tots. 

Dear community members of Saginaw County

The 2024 Toys for Tots program has ended for this year.    Please read futher for items you need to bring for sigh up when it opens for 2025.

I again will do in person sign up only.  I do not take applications online.  

You can not be signed up with any other agency to receivbe toys!


The following items are required to sign up for assistance:
1)  Current MI photo ID with correct address only
2)  Current photo ID of All other adults (18 and over) in the household with correct address.
3)  If you receive FAP or FIP benefits from DHS, you must:
      1)  Provide current benefit information (within past 30 days) obtained from the MDHHS from your case worker, or request that they mail it to you (may take 14 days), or you can obtain a print out by going to  This can be done using your I phone.
      2) Your require to bring all house hold income including any and all Last pay check stubs for the year 2024, any SSI you are receving.  If you do not receive FAP or FIP benefits, bring in current proof of all household income (Last pay check stub for any jobs worked in 2024 for all persons 18 and over), SSI payments for all people in the household .
      3)  Any alamony or child support awarded by the court system. 
4)  For children, you must provide proof of guardianship up to the age of 12.  Only current birth certificates and MDHHS papers listing household member's names and birth dates, official guardianship papers with birth certificates will be accepted, child's shot records or affidavits from hospitals are acceptable..
5)  Special Needs Children will need Documentation for prouf of Disability.

Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity is the fund raising, funding and support organization for the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The Foundation was created at the behest of the U. S. Marine Corps and provides support in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commander, Marine Forces Reserve, who directs the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The Foundation has supported Toys for Tots since 1991.

The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.